Proclaiming the gospel of Christ without apology.
Bible Teaching
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Welcome to Terraine Gospel Ministries!
Terraine Gospel Ministries was prayerfully founded as a means to unapologetically proclaim the true message of Jesus Christ, to as many as would listen.
The Bible, in 2nd Timothy, Chapter 3, warns that in the last days, dangerous times will come. In Chapter 4, it says that, in those days, people would not endure sound teaching, but according to their own desires and 'itching ears', they would turn away from the truth of the Bible, and seek out teachers who would tell them what their "itching ears" want to hear. Jesus warned: "Let no one deceive you!", yet sadly many will be led astray and fall into the snares and pitfalls of false teaching.
We believe, without a doubt, that we are living in those perilous days today, and with the proliferation of, and dependence upon social media, there certainly is an abundance of false teachers who, for a myriad of "reasons", such as personal interpretation, denominational bias, social pressure, 'woke ideology", selfish gain or many other positions, are spreading heretical false gospels and false hope; consequently leading many astray, to a false salvation and eternal damnation.
We are acutely aware of the rapidly changing moral, political, and spiritual climate of these darkening days of unprecedented human history, with the rapid rise of evil and lawlessness, and the rapid decline of biblical evangelism and solid Bible teaching. Consequently, there is an entire generation of people who have no real understanding of God, or have rejected Him as a result of "misrepresented" Christianity. With the overwhelming news reports reaching us daily, we are encountering people who are hurting, fearful, confused, and searching for answers, and all the while the majority of "professing Christians", neglect to share what the Bible actually says, and rather choose to either carefully give their own politically correct opinions or remain silent,,,, and be equally as ineffective to help anyone.
The burden of seeing an apathetic, "professing Church", growing progressively lukewarm, passive, and embracing a non-Biblical worldview, coupled with the thought of an entire generation being swept into Hell without being told the Truth about Christ's love and salvation, is the main reason for the founding of our outreach ministry. We believe there is only ONE effective answer for the questions and problems of life, only ONE true peace, only ONE Gospel of Jesus Christ, only ONE means of salvation, only ONE unchanging standard of absolute Truth; and however 'uncomfortable' that may be to hear or to speak, we are fully committed to spreading that Truth. Jesus is the ONLY way to eternal life and it is our intention to exalt Him and to give people the Biblical information they need to make an informed decision to either choose or reject Jesus and the gift of salvation He offers.
Our heart's desire is, that while visiting our website, you will encounter the Truth of the Bible and it will lead you to a deeper understanding of God's true nature and His overwhelming love for you. We pray you will choose to reach out to your heavenly Father and develop a personal relationship with Him by seeking forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ. God wants you to know Him and have a personal relationship with Him.
Jeremiah 29:13, says: "And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."
Please take the time to view the website. We have included information to explain salvation, links to other trusted Christian ministries and resources, written articles, recommended videos, and a link to our ministry YouTube channel where you will find Bible teaching, personal testimonies, and a little Gospel music for the praise and glory of our Lord! It is our absolute pleasure to serve you and we pray you will be blessed, encouraged, and enriched by our ministry.
We would be delighted if you tell others about us!
We appreciate your prayers and look forward to hearing from you soon! Please visit our YouTube channel !!!
God bless you,,,,,
Terry and Lorraine
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes..." (Romans 1:16)
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